BIG Naughty apologizes for "immature behavior," fans defend him for taking time out to allegedly kis

Publish date: 2024-05-12

K-hip-hop artist BIG Naughty was recently embroiled in a controversy when a video of him allegedly kissing his girlfriend went viral on June 4, 2023. Audiences claimed that the rapper left the stage in the middle of his performance at the Tone & Music Festival to go backstage and spend a few seconds with his alleged girlfriend.

Three days after the video went viral on the internet, the 20-year-old rapper shared a lengthy post on his Instagram account, apologizing to the fans who had come to watch him perform. Although his apology did not directly mention his alleged girlfriend, he expressed regret for having wasted fans' time with his "personal and immature behavior."

K-pop fans instantly rose to defend the K-hip-hop artist against the criticism he faced from some. Many mentioned that people needed to "leave him alone" as it was only natural for a 20-year-old to be in a relationship.

"Please scold me so that I can mature": BIG Naughty posts emotional apology after video of him kissing his alleged girlfriend goes viral

20-year-old BIG Naughty is one of the most popular K-hip-hop artists in the South Korean music industry. He gained recognition for appearing on Show Me The Money 8. Managed by Jay Park and Cha Cha Malone's H1GHR MUSIC, the rapper's famous songs include Just 10 centimeters, Beyond Love, and Vancouver, among others.

The rapper-songwriter recently got into trouble after a viral video, recorded by Twitter user @yutanana2016, saw him allegedly kissing his girlfriend on June 4, 2023, in the middle of his performance at the Tone & Music Festival. Korean fans seemingly commented on his unprofessionalism and also had issues with the artist dating someone. The backlash prompted BIG Naughty to apologize for his actions.

The 20-year-old rapper started his letter by apologizing for disappointing the fans who attended the festival for him.

As translated via Soompi, he said:

“Hello, this is BIG Naughty. I’m lifting this pen with a heavy heart to speak about the past incident at the Tone & Music Festival. First, I apologize for delivering a great sense of disappointment to my fans who support me and my music without anything in return. Furthermore, I sincerely apologize for turning the precious time and grateful efforts of the audiences, who came to watch the performance, into wasted time with my personal and immature behavior.”

He added that he left the stage due to his "childish thoughts" and apologized for making people "uncomfortable."

He continued:

“To explain the situation at the time, while I was singing an unreleased song that I prepared for the encore, I left the stage during the bridge part due to my childish thoughts and short thinking, and I made the audience and those who have come across this [incident] as well as concert and stage personnels uncomfortable with my careless attitude on stage and actions. I sincerely apologize.”

BIG Naughty ended his letter by saying that he will continue to reflect on how much of a "blessing" it is for him to be able to stand on stage. He once again emphasized his apology and asked fans to continue scolding him to make him a "better person."

He concluded:

“Through this incident, I will reflect and bear in mind once again how much of a blessing and grateful thing it is to be able to stand on stage and make and sing music. Please scold me so that I can mature to be a better person, to make better music, and with greater love. I am always grateful, and I apologize.”

K-pop fans believe BIG Naughty should not have apologized

BIG Naughty's lengthy apology went viral on the internet and K-pop fans defended the 20-year-old artist and sided with him.

Fans mentioned that the artist meeting his alleged girlfriend during an encore backstage was a sweet moment straight out of a Korean drama. They were accepting of his alleged relationship and in turn, criticized Korean netizens for treating a K-hip-hop artist as a K-pop idol.

Meanwhile, H1GHR MUSIC also apologized to fans for the controversy and requested netizens to refrain from "spreading speculations and rumors."

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