Did Dominik Mysterio betray his father for Rhea Ripley?

Publish date: 2024-06-01

Dominik Mysterio is currently the most hated superstar in the WWE since Clash at the Castle last year. From a young loved Mysterio boy to the superstar who gets booed out of the building, it all started with one low blow to Edge last September.

Building up to this event, Rhea Ripley constantly tried to lure Dominik towards her and away from Rey. Post this event, everyone felt Mami was the reason, Dom betrayed his father.

However, during an interview with WrestlingInc, Dominik revealed the real truth behind his turning on Rey. While the Hall of Famer himself is a legend in the business, Dom stated that he wanted to learn from other WWE Superstars with various accomplishments and move out of his father's shadow.

"It feels great. I definitely was getting used to being with my dad and learning the ropes from him and him just guiding me, but I switched that out for someone who's taken over New Japan and all over the world in Finn Balor. Someone who's taken over their independence and Ring of Honor in Damian Priest. Someone who's been the youngest women's champion and just a year older than me and has a ton of experience in Mami Rhea. So it's like I have a pool of knowledge that I can go to with my new family and it's just been great," said Dom. [H/T WrestlingInc]

Since this event, Dominik Mysterio is not been much liked among the fans, especially when you betray one of the nicest people in the industry.

Dominik Mysterio finds it natural to be the bad guy

It is usually said that if you truly hate the villain of a particular movie, that means the artist has given a brilliant performance. Like him or hate him, Dominik Mysterio has played his role to perfection.

In an interview with Kenny McIntosh for Inside The Ropes, Dom claimed being bad comes naturally to him.

"So when I would do practice matches, I would want to be a heel. I wanted to be the bad guy. So I trained most of the time, my practice matches, I was always the bad guy. So it was always fun to get into that character. Once I got the opportunity, I was like, I’m not gonna blow it. This is gonna be the one. Because I’ve always wanted to be the bad guy. Guys like Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho, guys like that that I just grew up watching. That’s how I wanted to do it."

Dominik Mysterio faces 'The American Nightmare' Cody Rhodes in a few days at WWE Money in the Bank.

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