Exclusive: Outasight - CelebMix

Publish date: 2024-05-27

Outasight is Richard Andrew and you can hear one of his songs in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. We got to exclusively chat with him and now we will never get his tune “The Boogie” out of our head!

How would you describe your style of music?
Through the years I have gone through a bunch of styles but since my move to LA two years I have found my groove. It’s that funk! That booty shakin, bass bumpin, late night, downtown, dive bar funk.

Who are your biggest musical inspirations?
Sinatra, James Brown, Stevie, Prince, My parents, A tribe called quest. So many. I eat, breathe, sleep and love music.

Tell us about the inspiration for your new video “The Boogie”.
I wanted this video to look good and feel good and most of all showcase the dance. The director, crew and dancers did an amazing job with it, all I had to do was look cool and sing for the camera. I think I did alright. ha.

You’ve said new music is coming! What should we expect?
The new record is going to be my best one yet. Seriously. It’s going to the soundtrack to your party, wedding, bar mitzah, and whatever else you want to celebrate. It is good vibes mixed with great energy. I am so damn excited to share it.

Should we expect tour dates soon?
Yes. I’m thinking about doing a very special tour this summer where we throw backyard bbq’s in different cities and have a party and hang out and just keep it loose and funky.

We saw that you’re doing a lot of reading lately. Any book recommendations?
The tao of willie. Thank me later.

What would be your advice to someone who wants to make it the music business?
this is a big ol cliche but no one works harder for you than….you. you get what you put in.
now go get em tiger.

Follow Outasight on social media:
Instagram: heyoutasight
Snapchat: heyoutasight
Twitter: outasight
Facebook: iamoutasight

Then hit us up @CelebMix and let us know if you can do “The Boogie”.
