How to upgrade, vendors, and more

Publish date: 2024-06-18

One of the most interesting features of Lies of Pi is having a weapon with interchangeable parts. This basic mechanic helps Pinocchio, the main character, to defend himself against enemies and also improve his stats. In addition, these items, which are built throughout the game, can also be upgraded, turning the gaming experience into a flow of creativity.

However, many beginners do not understand how upgrades work. For this reason, we have prepared a very simple guide with the essentials to understand it.

How to upgrade a weapon in Lies of P

Upgrading your items helps your character to get better stats (Image via Neowiz Games)

Unlocking the ability to upgrade any of your swords, sabers, or axes requires you to watch the opening title of the game and defeat the Parade Master. After that, you will be able to craft or buy armament and improve it using Ergo and Moonstones.

Common armament is usually found in chests and from defeating enemies. Each of them has two parts: the handle and the blade. By swapping the parts of one sword for another, for example, you can create a new item with different properties. To improve your weapons, you will need the required Ergo and the corresponding stones.

Ergo is gained by killing enemies and as a reward for various missions. Besides, there are ways to farm it in large quantities quickly. The cost of weapons depends on the upgrade they require. For example, it might cost 200 Ergo the first time, 230 the second time, and 260 the third time.

The stones needed to complete an upgrade are more difficult to find. They are scattered all over the map in random places, so you have to pay attention to every scenario. There are several classes: Hidden Moonstones, Crescent Moonstones, and Dark Moonstones.

With all the stones, parts, and Ergo ready, you will go through the upgrade process.

Where can I upgrade weapons in Lies of P?

In the Krat Hotel, you can upgrade your weapons (Image via Neowiz Games)

The process of upgrading weapons in Lies of P does not require any long-distance travel or anything like that. The first place to do it is the Krat Hotel, where you will find Eugenie, a character with glasses and a brown scarf.

Talk to her to access the upgrade menu and let your imagination run wild. To complete the process, you must return to the Krat Hotel every time until you defeat the Mad Donkey and unlock the ability to upgrade items using the Stargazers.

Required materials to upgrade weapons



Vendors in the game

You can buy some items from merchants (Image via Neowiz Games)

In addition to crafting your weapons, you can also purchase some from wandering merchants. These NPCs appear in different parts of the map and can offer you various items to improve your character's skills and equipment.

Some of the locations where you can find them are the Malum District, the Elysion Boulevard, and the Cerasani Alley. In those places, you can purchase common weapons such as the Greatsword of Destiny, the Wintry Rapier, and the Puppet’s Saber. Merchants also sell very useful consumables to improve Pinocchio's combat abilities, such as the Electric Lightning Sander, which electrocutes enemies.

Upgrading your skills in the game can be not only a matter of survival for your character but also a very creative act. If you want to know more about it, you can read this guide about crafting in Lies of P.

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