Punishing Gray Raven tier list (PGR tier list) for October 2023: All Constructs ranked

Publish date: 2024-06-02

Punishing Gray Raven (PGR), the action-packed role-playing game (RPG), is set in a virus-infected fantasy world. As you need to set up your team of three constructs to defeat enemies, knowing the best-performing champions in the current meta can help you.

Kuro Games' action RPG title is all about power and strategy. Find the best “Constructs” to assemble a squad and fight your enemies with innovative strategies.

Punishing Gray Raven tier list (PGR tier list): All Constructs in the current meta ranked

Punishing Gray Raven categorizes all the Constructs based on their roles in the gacha title. While this article tries to rank all the PGR Constructs based on the adjustments made in the current update, it is worth noting that some of these champions in the lower tiers can be helpful once you have invested enough time in them.

The Constructs here are divided into four different tiers, from S to C. The S-tier champions can bolster your chances of winning. However, it is in the player’s best interest to avoid C-tier champions. They are only for beginners who are getting accustomed to the game and are yet to unlock the upper-tier Constructs.

This article describes a couple of fan-favorite constructs from the list under each tier. Check out the most adored champions and their powers there.

S tier Constructs

The S-tier Constructs have been pretty much unputdownable in this meta.

Nanami Starfarer

This Construct fires flames with her canon to deal a high amount of fire damage. Her Super Armor appears on 3-Ping, and it restores 12 more Signature Energy with a Flame Chain Dance that deals even more damage to the enemies.

2B – 2B

This android is a Construct of sheer will, and it does not encourage idle chatter. She is one of the best Supports in the game because she allows 9S and A2 rapid energy regeneration along with herself while dealing continuous high-frequency damage to her enemies with her Sustained Damage.

A tier Constructs

The A-tier Constructs in Punishing Gray Raven come with immense abilities and are vastly strong at battle.

Ayla Brilliance

Ayla Brilliance is a reliable Construct on this PGR tier list. This champion can continuously deal 500% damage to the target while reducing their defense by 10% for six seconds. Their final hit knocks the target airborne. Team her up with the right champions for the best results.

Kamui Bastion

Kamui Bastion charges enemies while his attack improves with each charge. Besides, when all the other teammates’ HP is over 70%, their physical damage improves by 10%, given that this Construct is on your team.

Besides, Kamui Bastion earns random Signal Orbs after they successfully block an enemy attack.

B tier Constructs

The B-tier Constructs in this PGR tier list always work better with the right teammates. Here are all Constructs of this tier ranked:

Chrome Glory

Chrome Glory of Punishing Gray Raven has an Eroding Chill that helps this Construct to deal 150% damage to his enemies. He also attacks them with Frost Corrosion, which affects them severely. This effect can also renew its duration, making this android a formidable opponent.

Nanami Pulse

This champion in the PGR tier list takes up to 30 energy to charge towards its target and deals huge damage to the opponents. She moves in huge circles, dealing 480% damage to all the nearby targets.

Nanami Pulse can be incredibly helpful when put together with the right Punishing Gray Raven team.

C tier Constructs

The C tier Constructs in the PGR tier list are despised by most gamers. These champions are only for beginners who are getting accustomed to the game.

Lucia Dawn

Lucia Dawn of Punishing Gray Raven, with her Lotus Blade, can deal vast lightning damage to enemies. It lasts for 15 seconds, and each time players reuse the skill while it is active will refresh the duration, making it frustrating to use it. However, this android scatters petals, which can increase physical damage as well.

Watanabe Nightblade

This android of the Punishing Gray Raven tier list enters the battlefield and thrusts downward, dealing vast physical damage. It also increases the CRIT Rate when there are three different classes in the team.

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