Who is Russell Brands ex-girlfriend, Jordan Martin?

Publish date: 2024-06-10

A lady who dated Russell Brand for a long time has guaranteed that the jokester and moderator physically attacked her
The lady has been distinguished as Jordan Martin
She composed a book on the experience called “Bunch: Snare with a Big name” seven years after their separation

A lady who dated Russell Brand for a very long time has guaranteed that the humorist and moderator physically attacked her. She then composed a book on the episode, which she independently published. The lady has been recognized as Jordan Martin.

Who is Jordan Martin?

Jordan Martin guaranteed that in February 2007, she started her relationship with Russell Brand. She asserts that as of now, with an end goal to cause her to feel “unknown,” he abused her genuinely and made her wash her teeth so irately that her gums drained. Martin additionally asserts that she was the survivor of rape.

Jordan Martin’s story: Russell Brand sexually assaulted me and made me brush my teeth so hard my gums bled so I would taste ‘anonymous’ to him https://t.co/tZFaI17zto pic.twitter.com/AASnPHivXt

— Daily Mail U.K. (@DailyMailUK) September 16, 2023

Seven years after their separation, she composed a book on the experience called “Bunch: Trap with a Superstar,” which she independently published. In it, she portrays the particulars of their relationship. She tended to herself as “Dina” and Russell Brand as “Randall Fantastic” in the story while utilizing pseudonyms.

As per Martin, one occurrence at The Lowry Lodging in Manchester included Brand’s rage in the wake of learning of her correspondence with an ex. In response, he grabbed her telephone forcibly and opened the cover to get at the battery.

Martin guaranteed that she encountered boisterous attack during their time spent together in Hawaii in 2007 while Brand was shooting the parody “Failing to remember Sarah Marshall.” She likewise stated that Brand erroneously blamed her for having unseemly friendship for her own brother in the wake of hearing a call in which she was kidding and snickering with him.

Russell Brand, who is currently known as a health champion with a sizable fan base, has been blamed for assault, rape, and maltreatment by numerous ladies in a joint examination by The Sunday Times and Channel 4. In a video posted on Friday, he obviously denied the allegations, saying, “In the midst of this reiteration of surprising rather elaborate assaults are a few intense claims that I totally discredit.”
